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March 2019



The fourth Play To Learn More conference will be held in Hveragerði, Iceland the 11th of October this year. The theme this year will be Outdoor learning!
An excellent international teacher team will introduce us to outdoor activities based on play, movements and senses reflected in environmental protection, recycling, and mindfulness.  The conference will be held in the beautiful surroundings of the Gardening school of Hveragerdi. Wich is known as the “flower” town of Iceland, 40 minutes by car from Reykjavik.

STPM course coming up!


Kristín from PTLM and Sarah Jane Anthony can´t wait to meet the 27 teachers from all over Europe that are coming to Iceland on an STPM course that starts Monday the 18th of March. For five days we are going to learn, play, share ideas, visit schools, be creative, enjoy Geysers and warm outdoor swimming pools and most of all have fun!! If you want to join one of our courses apply for an Erasmus KA1 grant!! Looking forward to seeing you!


Smart Teachers Play More. Inspired to inspire!


In collaboration with Sarah Jane Anthony at  Smartenglish School in Alicante, Play To Learn More offers Erasmus KA1 course for European teachers. This project is called Smart Teachers Play More! Three courses are held in Iceland this winter and two in Alicante, Spain. These five and seven-day courses are highly practical and inspiring. In Iceland the participants do also get the opportunity to visit schools and educational institutions. Meeting colleagues from all over Europe is inspiring and fun. A Smart Teacher Play More course might be something for you?

Structure of a lesson!


All Play To Learn More (PTLM) activities can be played as individual activities. PTLM is based on sports and PE education. To get the best results with PTLM, we have put together a structure of a class that is based on the same components as sports training. In this video, you can see why we think it is so important to give the children the opportunity to learn and experience through different parts of the lessons. Just like we like to split our training up in different parts when we go to the gym to experience the wellness of the training through different senses!
If you want to learn more about Play To Learn More contact and join our courses!


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Afar Nauð

Vafrakökur eru nauðsynlegar til að vefsetrið starfi eðlilega.


Synleg Frammistöðu

Vafrakökurnar eru notaðar til að fylgjast með notendasamskiptum og skynja þegar hugsanleg vandkvæði koma upp. Þær hjálpa okkur að bæta þjónustu okkar með því að láta í té greiningargögn um hvernig notendur nota þetta vefsetur.

_ga, _gali, _gat, _gid


Notaðu vafrakökur til að nýta þér markaðssetningarreynslu þína til hins ýtrasta og lesa veraldarvefinn. Allar fyrirætlanir eru að mestu leyti viðeigandi fyrir hvern einstakling og eru jafnframt viðeigandi valkostir fyrir hvern ritstjóra vefseturs og aðra.
