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October 2019

Smart Teachers in Badajoz, Spain


19. –  20. of October Smart Teachers Play More hosted a course in Badajoz, Spain. 25 Spanish teachers joined the course and experienced the power of play with their students. STPM thanks them for their fantastic participation and we are looking forward to meeting them in Iceland.

Outdoor conference!


Friday the 11th of October Play To Learn More hosted a outdoor conference in the most beautiful environment at the Gardening School in Hveragerdi Iceland.  The place is very adventurous with all it´s huge greenhouses and nice trees (which is hard to find in Iceland!). Over 400 teachers from all over the island came together and learned about different things that can be done both inside and outdoors with children. The participants could choose between 15 workshops f.eks. mindfulness, outdoor journeys, nature paths, yoga and movements, outdoor stationary work and more.

Play To Learn More thanks everyone that participated and are looking forward to seeing you all again next year.


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Afar Nauð

Vafrakökur eru nauðsynlegar til að vefsetrið starfi eðlilega.


Synleg Frammistöðu

Vafrakökurnar eru notaðar til að fylgjast með notendasamskiptum og skynja þegar hugsanleg vandkvæði koma upp. Þær hjálpa okkur að bæta þjónustu okkar með því að láta í té greiningargögn um hvernig notendur nota þetta vefsetur.

_ga, _gali, _gat, _gid


Notaðu vafrakökur til að nýta þér markaðssetningarreynslu þína til hins ýtrasta og lesa veraldarvefinn. Allar fyrirætlanir eru að mestu leyti viðeigandi fyrir hvern einstakling og eru jafnframt viðeigandi valkostir fyrir hvern ritstjóra vefseturs og aðra.
