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Workshop in Belfast 11th of May 2019!

After participating in a 1-day highly practical and fun PTLM teacher workshop, you can use the PTLM method with your students in your school and make teaching livelier and more effective than ever before.

The workshop will cover:

  • The main concept behind the PTLM teaching method and its value.
  • The structure of PTLM class.
  • PTLM activities for every occasion that can be used in the classroom and outdoor.
  • PTLM core games.
  • Stationary work.
  • How to use the portal.
  • Children and movements in small and larger spaces.
  • How do PTLM teachers look at teaching?

When: Saturday the 11th of May.

Time: 10:00 – 15:00.

Where: Stranmillis University College, Stranmillis Road, Belfast.

How much: 45.-

Registration and details:

Practice makes perfect and practice teaching needs practice planning!

It will change the way you teach!

You will never look at “teaching” the same way as before!




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