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The beginning!

Play To Learn More is an Icelandic teaching method! The author of PTLM is Kristín Einarsdóttir PE- and primary teacher! Se was a very active child and could never sit still and talked a lot – which she still does!

She describes it how Play To Learn More started this way: “One day 2008, when I was teaching 6 years old I heard my self say for the hundred times, sit down, be quiet, sit down and be quiet, don´t disturb each other, do you really have to stand up one more time to sharpening your pencil, be quiet…!! This class was really nice but the children just didn´t want to sit still. I knew this feeling because I couldn´t sit still my self as a kid. So I thought.   How can I combine my education and experience as a PE and primary teacher? So I went to the gym got some hoops and cones, looked into the math book and saw the objectives I was supposed to teach them that day and started making games with them. There was no turning back! Two years later I started as a PE teacher in a new school in my town and then I was so lucky to teach 2 to 9 year old kids. They loved the way I taught! I was all about the play and moving even though I did always have an objective goal with every game.  January 2014 I gave up teaching and my mission is to teach as many teachers as possible the method so all children will have the opportunity to learn academic subjects in their natural way – through play, games and movements!

Do you want to join over 3500 teachers that have been to our courses ?

Looking forward to seeing you


Facts about Play To Learn More:

In Icelandic it is called Leikur að læra!

Over 3500 teachers have been to PTLM basic 4-hour courses in Iceland, Norway, Germany, Spain, and the U.S.A!

In Iceland are 20 kindergartens that are Play To Learn More schools and teaches their children at least twice a week the PTLM way!

PTLM holds a conference in Iceland each year with 250 teachers and 2018 the First lady of Iceland Mrs. Elisa Reid held an opening speech, because the president and she have children in a PTLM kindergarten!


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