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What is PTLM?

Play To Learn More is a teaching method where by children aged 2 – 10 years old, are taught all the curriculum based subjects through play, movement and the senses in a fun, lively and effective way.

“Lets play! ”

This is how the PTLM teacher starts a Play To Learn More lesson! A teacher dedicated to using the PTLM method finds themselves looking at the curriculum from a different point of view. Instead of having an adult approach, we look at it from the children´s point of view and their individual need for action and play!

The Physical, Mental and Social benefits for children

By using the PTLM teaching method, we can influence the psychological, physical and social wellbeing of our pupils, for years to come. They become accustomed to regularly standing up and moving about, and have the opportunity to try different approaches to learning.

Variety of activities

All Play To Learn More activities can be played as an individual activity. But to get the best results, the teacher must put the activities together in the PTLM format. The structure of a PTLM lesson is based on the same format as sports training or a PE class. The class is divided into different groups yet the aim always focuses on academic objectives taken from a different point of view. Movement and play is the guiding principle throughout the whole lesson. Each class ends with a relaxation activity and the objectives of the lesson are reviewed.

Activities for every occasion.

Play To Learn More activities can be found for all occasions throughout the school day eg. outdoor activities, carpet time activities, relaxation activities, homework activities, stationary work and obstacle courses.   In the portal, there are lots of activities to search for using a ‘search engine’ helping the PTLM teacher find the best activities for each occasion. Only  certified PTLM teachers can get membership to this portal. Play to Learn More is an approach suitable for teaching any subject. Your pupils will love Play To Learn More and will enjoy learning through action.



Certified Play To Learn More teacher?

Do you want to become a certified PTLM teacher who can influence your students yet at the same time built up your own successful business with flexible working hours? If yes… read more here!!

A certified Play To Learn More teacher does not have to have any experience in sport or PE teaching.

 Children naturally want to move – lets take advantage of this!






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